White Garden Chairs in a Tidewater Sailcloth Tent

The Event Co. offers a variety of chairs.
Chairs are delivered stacked. Installation is extra, and a site/floor plan or detailed description is required for proper setup.
- White Samsonite Chairs – white with white metal frame and white plastic seat
- Black Samsonite Chairs – black with chrome frame and black plastic seat
- White Wedding Samsonite Chairs – same as White Samsonites; just new, clean, and exclusively used for weddings
- White Resin Garden Chairs – white resin with white padded seat
- Fruitwood Resin Garden Chair – fruitwood resin with ivory padded seat
- Fruitwood Chiavari Chair – fruitwood with your choice or ivory or black pads
- Gold Chiavari Chairs – gold with your choice of black, white, or ivory pads
- Benches – 8′
For reservations call us today at 978-283-4884 or 866-215-TENT
or send us an e-mail to info@rentent.com